For the first time since we have lived in our house (almost 7 years) we were able to host Christmas lunch. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to make it on Christmas day this year, so we took the chance of not having as many people as usual to squeeze into our little lounge room. I chose a white & red colour scheme and sewed a few things for the occasion. I had been inspired from a few blogs to try and make some bunting flags. After purchasing some festive red and white prints I fused strips together and used pinking shears to cut them into triangles.
It was a wonderful day! My parents, in-laws, grandparents and brothers were all able to join us. Each with their own name card, which, of course, fitted into the theme of red and white.
For those that know me, I am a little anal, so, if it wasn't red or white, or necessary for eating, it wasn't allowed... hehe.. I strung up some red baubles and a felt cut-out string from the window and the arch way. Another thing I sewed for the day was a table runner. It was plain red, and straight (nothing all that fancy) with some ribbon sewed down the sides and the end. At the side was our food table, decorated with just a few red and white things.
Thank you for a lovely day family! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed it..